Saturday, May 30, 2009

Why IT budgets need to be unfrozen

It seems from my work as an IT consultant in Ireland that Irish IT Budgets are, with few exceptions, pretty much completely frozen at this time. IT managers don't seem to have the budget or confidence to make investments, even if they will ultimately lead to cost savings.

IT budgets need to be unfrozen so that IT departments can reduce their own internal costs as well as those in the business and begin to make the investments necessary for the upturn which may be coming next year.

The time for action is now, not when the upturn is here.

GoogleWave revolution

I've just watched the video of the demo of GoogleWave at the recent GoogleIO conference. It looks really cool and I think will change the way we all collaborate - emails as we know them will be dead. Some of the really cool features include the ability to reply a conversation inline without resending messages, replaying conversations, combining traditional email and IM and true real-time instant messaging - no need to wait for the done button to be pressed anymore.

Its all done from a web browser and I think it will change email forever. It will be interesting to see how the big vendors respond in their commercial products.

You can see the video at

Would be interested in what you think..