Deloitte Ireland, for whom I work, released the 2009 CIO Survey results late last year. I was responsible for the survey from inception to completion and thought it was worth reflecting on the process.
A couple of things come to mind:
1. It was a really worth while exercise that genuinely provided an insight into the state of IT organisations in Ireland. It wasn't clear at the begining that this would be the case. The results are available here: http://www.deloitte.com/view/en_IE/ie/services/consulting/cio-survey-2009/index.htm
2. It takes a lot of work to run a survey like this, especially in the first year, but I expect that next year will be a lot easier. The biggest effort was required in formulating the survey distribution list and in following up to get responses from those invited. We built a dedicated results website which also took quite a bit of work, though mainly because it was a new concept. Processing the survey results, spotting the trends and creating the summary report was more straightforward than expected.
3. Social media proved a fantastic tool in building momentum around the results and driving traffic to our results website. We used three tools: a. LinkedIn - we used the 'what are you doing' portion of my own and a couple of others in my group profiles' to publicise the fact that the results were coming and when they were released. We also started discussions in relevant LinkedIn discussion groups around the survey results. b. Twitter - we tweeted about the results and their release. c. We submitted a post to the Irish Internet Association's guest blog. This also went out in their weekly email newsletter. These first and last of these items drove large amounts of traffic to our website, with LinkedIn coming first (by a big margin) followed by the IIA blog. Twitter came in 7th and our own direct marketing emails 5th. We also appeared very high up google searches around CIO Surveys. These results created quite a buzz around social media tools in Deloitte Ireland and is a very valuable lesson to all regarding the power of social media tools.
4. We invited people to comment on the results on the website, but few did. Perhaps this is because of the nature of some of the results (budgets etc.) and a certain 'shyness' in the targetted population to publically contribute. I still think that providing this facility was the right thing to do and think we will continue to do so in the years ahead. An interesting thing that I am finding is that people seem more interested in contributing comments to linkedin discussion groups - Deloitte are releasing the 2010 Technology Media and Telecomms predictions soon and I started a discussion inviting people to submit their predictions. This has generated a very good response and we haven't issued the predictions yet!
Though involving hard work, running the survey was a lot of fun and proved rewarding. We will be running the survey again this year. The 2009 results can be found at: http://www.deloitte.com/view/en_IE/ie/services/consulting/cio-survey-2009/index.htm
A couple of things come to mind:
1. It was a really worth while exercise that genuinely provided an insight into the state of IT organisations in Ireland. It wasn't clear at the begining that this would be the case. The results are available here: http://www.deloitte.com/view/en_IE/ie/services/consulting/cio-survey-2009/index.htm
2. It takes a lot of work to run a survey like this, especially in the first year, but I expect that next year will be a lot easier. The biggest effort was required in formulating the survey distribution list and in following up to get responses from those invited. We built a dedicated results website which also took quite a bit of work, though mainly because it was a new concept. Processing the survey results, spotting the trends and creating the summary report was more straightforward than expected.
3. Social media proved a fantastic tool in building momentum around the results and driving traffic to our results website. We used three tools: a. LinkedIn - we used the 'what are you doing' portion of my own and a couple of others in my group profiles' to publicise the fact that the results were coming and when they were released. We also started discussions in relevant LinkedIn discussion groups around the survey results. b. Twitter - we tweeted about the results and their release. c. We submitted a post to the Irish Internet Association's guest blog. This also went out in their weekly email newsletter. These first and last of these items drove large amounts of traffic to our website, with LinkedIn coming first (by a big margin) followed by the IIA blog. Twitter came in 7th and our own direct marketing emails 5th. We also appeared very high up google searches around CIO Surveys. These results created quite a buzz around social media tools in Deloitte Ireland and is a very valuable lesson to all regarding the power of social media tools.
4. We invited people to comment on the results on the website, but few did. Perhaps this is because of the nature of some of the results (budgets etc.) and a certain 'shyness' in the targetted population to publically contribute. I still think that providing this facility was the right thing to do and think we will continue to do so in the years ahead. An interesting thing that I am finding is that people seem more interested in contributing comments to linkedin discussion groups - Deloitte are releasing the 2010 Technology Media and Telecomms predictions soon and I started a discussion inviting people to submit their predictions. This has generated a very good response and we haven't issued the predictions yet!
Though involving hard work, running the survey was a lot of fun and proved rewarding. We will be running the survey again this year. The 2009 results can be found at: http://www.deloitte.com/view/en_IE/ie/services/consulting/cio-survey-2009/index.htm
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