Friday, June 5, 2009

Opinions on Oracle's Acquisition of Sun

Much has been written about the impact that Oracle's acquisition of Sun will have. Ultimately I think time will tell whether the benefits outway the downsides for organisations which 2 years ago had BEA, Oracle and SUN as independent vendors. There is no doubt that Oracle's ability to put together an entire software stack from application to disk is a compelling one, but I know customers I am talking to see potential downsides especially on the commercial side as they effectively become locked in to Oracle. Customers are also concerned about what this means for Java and MySQL.

But there are many views out there in the Industry, I thought it would be worth summarising a few.

Forrester Research. Forrester believes it introduces uncertainity for customers, but that it may be a defining moment in the IT industry as it will trigger a new IT model as it integrates application technologies with virtualisation, cloud computing and automation to reduce costs associated with IT.

Gartner believes that deal opens up more options for existing Sun and Oracle customers but recommends that customers lock Sun in to long term hardware contracts and proceed with caution around middleware products until Oracle releases a detailed roadmap. It also suggests that any customers thinking of migrating away from Sun hardware delay this until it is clear what Oracle's strategy and roadmap will be.

The Oracle user group is more positive seeing it as an exciting development mainly because it is a technology acquisition and that Java will now be under Oracle's guardianship.

The following link,295582,sid41_gci1354198,00.html provides a more detailed overview of what is being said on the web.

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